
De 5 grootste wildcamera voordelen
Wildcamera tips

The 5 biggest wildlife camera advantages

The overview below explains the 5 major advantages of using a wildlife camera. This list has been drawn up between us and our customers based on customer interviews and surveys...

Instellingen en plaatsing van de wildcamera De sleutel tot succes
Wild camera tips

Settings and placement of the wildlife camera...

The popularity of wildlife cameras is increasing, also in the Low Countries. The quality is also getting better and better. The wildlife camera may automatically record images, but a wildlife...

Dé startersgids voor het gebruik van een Wildcamera!
Wildcamera tips

The starter's guide to using a wildlife camera!

What is a wildlife camera: A wildlife camera can make your life easier and increase your chances of a successful hunt – they can also allow the user to monitor...

hoe werkt een wildcamera
Wildcamera tips

Prevent a bad purchase with this handy wildli...

We know... the language of the wildlife camera with its technical names that are hardly used anywhere else... it is also difficult, we thought too! Fortunately, we have been ahead of you...

Waarom een wildcamera met WIFI?
Wildcamera tips

Why a wildlife camera with WIFI?

Want to buy a wildlife camera with WIFI? Read in this article what the advantages of wildlife cameras with WIFI are and how you can best use them in practice,...